Sunday, April 17, 2011

horse quilt

I've been working on this quilt for, oh, I think 4 years or so, and it is finally on the machine being quilted!  Yay, Yahoo!
It is a depiction of a horse appearing through a mist of color and triangles.  Very very cool.  It was commisioned by a wonderful customer (and a very patient one!) and her original design idea.  My friend Narra and worked on it, with Narra doing all of the initial triangle sewing.  I then put on the border of more and more triangles and finally, I've cleared my schedule enough and got up my gumption (is that how it is spelled?) enough to start quilting.  I will post more pictures of the finished product soon.
I am just so excited to finally be finishing this quilt!

Here is another angle:

And some of the quilting close up:

I will definitely add some pics to this blog when it is all finished.  I can't wait!



Blogger Julie Filatoff said...

Hi, Nicole: Isn't it wonderful to finish a quilt that has been in the UFO stage for a long time? I did that with one that was at least a year old. And guess what? I found out today that it has been accepted into "Sacred Threads" in Washington, DC!

I am such a fan of your work and proud to call you my friend. Love, Julie

April 24, 2011 at 8:35 AM  
Blogger nicole dunn said...

My congrats Julie! Way to go. And thanks for all the hard work on my website. I do appreciate it. You are awesome!

April 24, 2011 at 3:28 PM  

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